Monday, April 6, 2009

Love Buster - Part A

Been enjoying great sermon by Pastor Kong for the start of the year till now, esp the sermon of relationships for couples together with some drama. So couples, DO TAKE NOTE of this entry ya?

The final conclusion for relationship series - Love Busters a.k.a Love Destroyer.


#1. Selfish Demand
1 Cor 13:4 -5 :
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

Look, love is kind, does not envy, does not parade itself, not puffed up and most importantly is, does not seek its own.(translation: is not self-centered)

When you're in love with someone, you think for that person. You care for that person, you stand in that person's shoe and you spare a thought for them. You made thoughtful request for your spouse. Your spouse is always on your mind. And you don't demand to give your the things that you want.

#2. Disrespectful Judgments

Who is exactly a disrespectful judgment person?
Ans: A person who is always criticizing about another person.

E.g. "hey, why are you wearing so ugly today? Why can't you wear something like this this this, that that that."
Or "eee, i told you that you can't cook this fish this way right? Next time put a little more salt, a little more onion for more favoring."

You know, people who always criticizing always thinks that they are right. And they always believe that they have the authority to comment on people. They bring the confidence of their spouse down. They make their spouse feel they are worthless.
Friends, if your spouse is always doing that, not sparing a thought for your dignity and always making fun of your choice, judgmental, then you know your spouse is one of the Love Buster.

#3. Angry Outburst

The title already depict what i wanna say. Anger management.
Does your spouse have anger management problem? Love to physical attack you? Some people may thought anger problem is about physical attacking a person. But the more hurtful attack is verbal attack. Physical damage is temporary but emotional damage is almost eternally.

And usually people with angry outburst, always think themselves as punisher. They keep on giving punishment by attacking(physical and verbal) on others.
Are you one of those who always scold and scold and scold or whack and whack and whack people? Hm, time to think about your action.


Sometimes we always think that we can sacrifice alittle more for our partner. Thinking that your spouse will change, and you keep on sacrificing for something. But guess what, one day you will just be sick and tired of it, because you realize that your spouse doesn't get it and is not willing to change at all.
Love is not about sacrificing all the times. You gotta give and take. Most importantly, you gotta love and enjoy loving and being loved!

To be continue...

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